Carrera Bonafont
Digital, Events, Print, TvCarrera Bonafont
Bonafont Race
For a Mexico free of violence against women.
CHALLENGE: For almost two decades, Bonafont has been a pillar in female empowerment through the Bonafont Race, celebrated every March 8. The challenge was to revive women’s participation and engagement in this iconic event.
IDEA: We joined the fight for a Mexico free of violence against women. We used the race as a platform to advocate for a law against gender violence, attracting the participation of 1.5 million people. This initiative not only gave women a voice and strength but also led us to explore their motivations behind the race. We discovered thousands of inspiring stories to tell.
A record 70,000 women runners joined the Bonafont 2020 Manifesto in the fight for a Mexico free of violence against women. This achievement not only strengthened the brand’s bond with women but also highlighted our commitment to creativity and art direction in the defense of important causes.
ROLE: Art Director.
Branding Actions: Driving the #UnDíaSinMujeres Movement
On March 9, 2020, Mexico witnessed #UnDíaSinMujeres, a national strike that highlighted the importance and power of women in society, urging them to put their daily activities on hold.
At Bonafont, we joined this cause with the powerful message “If you don’t move, I don’t move.” To reinforce this concept, on March 8 we interrupted the broadcast of our commercial with the message of this movement, showing our commitment to gender equity and solidarity with all women.
Bonafont Career Online
Due to the 80% increase in domestic violence complaints during the lockdown, the brand retakes this initiative to create Bonafont Online Race, to contribute to preventing domestic violence during the contingency, positively impacting 10,700 women with the support of Girl Up, a non-profit organization of the United Nations Foundation.
From home, La Carrera Bonafont Online was experienced through the social media accounts of @BonafontMX. Participants connected and followed a dynamic given by @weradelagarza, to generate 3,000 steps representing 2 kilometers per person.
This race joined a series of actions implemented by Bonafont to address COVID-19. The funds raised through this race were donated to the Girl Up Organization for programs to help women.